Wednesday, October 6, 2010


My password doesn't work
the page closes after I hit next

my battery is dying

I can't view the page

it says I need a plugin

I don't have access to view the page

I am in the wrong class

I am not in a class

I don't know what to do

It is the wrong language

The page won't load

I have no internet

It deleted my information

Day by day, we are getting through the glitches. The path we are building is less fuzzy. As a blended learning school, technology is an integral part, and we are modeling how to overcome obstacles.

We have to remember why we are here- what we are doing. Technology is frustrating when it goes wrong- and it often goes wrong. We are learning - and modeling- the skills of how to solve problems, have backup plans and practice patience.


  1. Does the teacher have to be the expert? It is not about the technology its about the ability to critically analyze the information obtained through the technology...

    The teacher has to be trained in the critical analysis. This he or she should transfer and model to the students.... The students more often then not are the experts on how to navigate the technology and teachers have to be willing to give up some "technical authority."

    I could see teachers easily becoming overwhelmed by glitches in technology....probably more than students.

    I do however realize that some kids are just not up to speed because of limited home access.

    I think that peer group your school's homepage advertises seems to be the answer. How is that working? Maybe put one or two experts in each class?

    But don't let the teachers settle for not using the technology thats out there because of glitches... FIX the glitches, train the teachers, train some super students... Settlings for "oh the computers don't work" is short selling all members in the learning.
